she is not 100% the author of the title “La Boulette”, Fred Musa of Skyrock makes a huge revelation!

She signed her return at the last Cannes Film Festival in 2022. Indeed, after several years of absence, Diam’s has finally reappeared to promote her documentary Hello. A report in which her fans were able to discover her new life and in which she confides at length on the difficult period she went through after the revelations about her conversion to Islam. Despite the controversies and the time that has passed, no one has forgotten the rapper of the 2000s and even less her famous title The Dumpling.

However, Vitaa’s sidekick would not be 100% author of the title. In any case, this is what Fred Musa, host of Planet Rap on Skyrockthis Wednesday, February 1 on the airwaves of RTL. Guest on the show Bonus Trackhe indeed told a funny anecdote about the composition of the piece. “She sits down and there comes the beat of the song La Boulette and she immediately begins to write. But really she takes her notebook and she begins to scratch, scratch and scratch again”he recalls at first before recalling: “Around her there were people like Sinik, Vitaa passing… a lot of people passing by. There was a small close guard at the time who is there in the studio”.

Diam’s can thank Fred Musa

Fred Musa then recalls this “moment” where “Diam’s is there scratching and she says ‘wait, this piece there is too much stuff in the mouths of the michtos’… she couldn’t find the thing”. The facilitator recalls that at that time “we were in the middle of Sarkozy’s period as Minister of the Interior and everything”. A period that seems to have inspired the journalist: “and I swing at her: ‘bah there are too many demagos in Sarko’s mouth’. She looks at me and she says “yeah!”. She writes that down and records”. Although Fred Musa had a real impact on the success of The Dumplingthis one assures him: “It’s a great pride but I didn’t write the song. I remember it once again!”

An anecdote on which Diam’s unfortunately did not return in his documentary Hello. Maybe she will evoke this memory in her new project. Because yes, after the broadcast of her report at the 75th Cannes Film Festival, Vitaa’s sidekick announced to her fans that she was thinking of releasing a book around the “documentary, with beautiful photos and unpublished texts”.


See also: Vitaa: Like Diam’s before her, the singer has just announced the end of her career

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