“She is in a bilingual school”: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy confides in her daughter Giulia, 10 years old

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy spent a memorable evening at the inauguration of the new hotel on avenue George V, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris: the Bvlgari Hotel. The 53-year-old singer and model, who was a muse for the Italian brand, gave an acoustic concert in the presence of her first fan, her husband Nicolas Sarkozy, and an interview with the magazine Point of view December 1. The former first lady in particular poured out her life as a mother and spoke about her daughter Giulia, 10, who recently caused a sensation on Instagram by revealing her talents as a budding singer.

“She is in a bilingual school, which allows her to speak English a lot. But at home, we speak mainly French and a little Italian”, said Carla Bruni, who has mastered these three languages ​​to perfection. If her little girl is still too young to realize the notoriety of her mother, the latter admits that her daughter is not very fond of her music. “At her age, she really likes artists like Sia or Ariana Grande. In her eyes, my songs are more like lullabies”, explains the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy. But this generational shock does not prevent Carla Bruni from being very close to her only daughter. “We have our moments of sharing, but her relationship to music remains very spontaneous and natural for the moment. She does not yet play an instrument, I let her choose what she wants”.

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