she is going to have a baby with Fanny Salvat!

Jessica Errero and Fannny Salvat never let go of each other. After joining the adventure of Fifty as a couple, the two young women have chosen to participate in another reality TV show hand in hand. From tonight, they will thus be in the cast of the new season of Apprentice Adventurers. For the occasion, they gave an exclusive interview to our colleagues from Figaro. Interview during which they were able to look back on their meeting and discuss their future plans.

“I sent a private message to Fanny on Instagram two and a half years ago when we had never met and we did not know each other. We saw each other two weeks later, we talked a lot and our relationship was born very naturally”, says Jessy. For a long time they wanted “preserve” their relationship. “We were keen to preserve what we were building and which is very real. In the world of television, many get lost between the reality of their daily lives and what they want to show on Instagram. We have wanted to favor the construction of a healthy relationship without asking the question of showing it or not on our social networks. We did not want to sell our relationship as some people do”, has entrusted the pretty brunette. And his companion to specify: “We didn’t think about it, we were keen to preserve what we were building and which is very real. In the world of television, many are lost between the reality of their daily lives and what they want. show well on Instagram. We wanted to favor the construction of a healthy relationship without asking ourselves the question of showing it or not on our social networks. We did not want to sell our relationship as some people do”.

A baby already on the way?

Very happy together, Fanny and Jessy think a lot about their future. But are they ready to start a family? “Like all couples who love each other, we have plans. We take our time, we don’t want to rush. We think before we start”explained Jessica before leaving the floor to her beauty. “Some mornings, we wake up with this desire to have a child, we imagine ourselves sharing this love. And other times, we realize that we still need time and to think carefully. But we talk about it”. To be continued…


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