“She is both uneducated, unworthy and incapable”, replies Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the National Rally

Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy from the North, denounces remarks “unworthy of a Prime Minister”.

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Sébastien Chenu, in Roubaix, May 22, 2023. (SAMEER AL-DOUMY / AFP)

“Elisabeth Borne is both uneducated, unworthy and incapable”reacted Sunday May 28 Sébastien chenu, RN deputy from the North, vice-president of the National Assembly, vice-president of the National Rally, in the program “Political Questions” on France Inter, franceinfo channel 27 and The world. Interviewed this Sunday by Radio J, the Prime Minister declared that she “does not believe at all in the normalization of the National Rally. I think that we should not trivialize its ideas, its ideas are always the same. So now, the National Rally is putting the forms in it, but I continue to think that it It’s a dangerous ideology. It’s the heir of Pétain.”

Mitterrand and the Francisque

“She forgets that in the history of the National Rally, which was the National Front, there were people like Georges Bidault who founded it, President of the Council and resistant, Michel de Camaret who was resistant, there was Olivier d’Ormesson who joined the National Front”, recalled Sébastien Chenu. “I am not accusing Mme Borne of having served an administration whose head at the time was François Mitterrand who had received the Francisque [décoration attribuée par le régime de Vichy en tant que marque spéciale d’estime à Philippe Pétain] and I’m not saying she has anything to do with it.”

Statements “unworthy of a Prime Minister”

With such statements, “unworthy of a Prime Minister”, Elisabeth Borne “is unworthy because it masks its undemocratic practices”, estimated Sébastien Chenu, who refers to Elisabeth Borne’s request for the withdrawal of extracts from a biography relating to her private life. The vice-president of the RN also highlighted the use of 49.3 for pension reform. “She better focus on the problems of the French and try to build majorities.” What she “is unable”.

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