“She heard everything”: Paul Pogba returns to his burglary and the shock for the nanny and her children

It is unfortunately a scourge which is spreading all over Europe and which mainly targets football stars. From Paris to Marseille via Manchester, footballers frequently have the misfortune to discover that their home has been broken into during one of their matches. Recently, it is the star of the Blues Paul Pogba who paid for it. On his Instagram account, the 29-year-old midfielder published a story in which he explained the burglary suffered by him and his family and in particular the presence of his two sons, Shakur (3 years old) and his youngest Keyaan Zaahid ( born in January 2021).

In an interview with Figaro, Antoine Griezmann’s great friend returned to this episode, and he tries to be reassuring, even if the period was trying. “Me, I’m fine, the family too. I had a rather surprising week, with already the Champions League match where I learned that I was not going to play. Behind, we were eliminated, and, on returning home , I discover my home burglarized after the intrusion of three people who stole my safe. There were jewels from my mother, my world champion medal…”he says.

What scared me the most was that my two children were at home with the nanny during this incident.

Beyond the material aspect, it is obviously the repercussions on his loved ones that worried Paul Pogba the most in this story. “What scared me the most was that my two children were at home with the nanny during this incident. She heard it all, called my wife and security, then locked herself with the boys in a room”details the husband of Zulay, before revealing that the nanny had a very bad experience of the situation: “For several days, she was shocked”.

Always happy and smiling, Paul Pogba therefore lost his smile with this burglary which did a lot of harm to his loved ones and particularly to the nanny of his two children.

Find Paul Pogba’s interview in full on the Figaro website.

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