She gives birth at home thanks to the instructions of 911

A 911 dispatcher from the state of Utah in the United States was able to guide a couple through the birth of their baby.

The dispatcher only had a few months of experience in this position.

Laura Meyerink was due to give birth on November 29. It was rather on the 18th of the same month that she lost her water and began to feel contractions.

“From the moment I woke up to the moment she was born, it was less than an hour,” explains the new mother.

It was in her bathroom that she realized that labor was starting.

She and her husband had no choice but to dial 911.

“I know the majority of dispatchers often don’t have that kind of call for years, so I thought it was a joke at first. In the end, it was not, ”explains Jasmine Baum, the dispatcher who received the call.

“She was able to calm us down and clearly communicate to us what we had to do,” says Aaron, the new dad.

The couple is final, Jasmine’s help while waiting for the ambulance has made all the difference.

Parents are especially relieved that their little Caroline was born healthy thanks to the good instructions of the dispatcher.

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