“She gave me a second chance”: Pascal Obispo talks about his beautiful relationship with Zazie

An exceptional evening is planned for this Saturday, October 29, 2022. For the first time, the team of Taratata took over the stage of La Seine Musicale for a two-hour show in aid of cancer research. For the occasion, Pascal Obispo or Zazie were invited. If today, they get along well, the idea that they will be friends one day was not in their heads when they met.

In 2018, Pascal Obispo and Zazie gave a joint interview to our colleagues from TV 7 Dayson the occasion of the promotion of The Voice. They of course did not escape questions about their friendship. Thus, readers learned that it was in 1991 that they first met. “I had just signed with a record company, Pascal was in the process of being signed. I had songs for my first album, but I absolutely wanted a title from someone unknown to the battalion“, recalled the 58-year-old singer. Caroline Molko, the artistic director of her label at the time, then showed the singer many cassettes. “Him, I can’t take it anymore! He sends me seventy-five a day… On the other hand, he has talent“, she had launched.

The woman in question was referring to Pascal Obispo. Zazie therefore wished to meet him in order to possibly collaborate with the artist. “I believe that each found the other quite disagreeable…“, had confessed the interpreter of Zen. A statement confirmed by Pascal Obispo who added: “I am a very clumsy person. Without too much tact… My spontaneity sometimes played tricks on me, and often with people less intelligent than Zazie. So she gave me a second chance.“And she did well because today, they get along wonderfully.

But at the time, both were “so full of desire [qu’ils] farted a little“, justified Zazie. “I made three cases, he made two tons“, she added. For Pascal Obispo, “it was a formula competition, a tennis match…“They finally met at the singer’s to listen to about sixty cassettes. But the singer”didn’t like anything“, she “was looking for the pearl. She then “took something“for maybe”to please” to the composer. They have come a long way since then, the former best enemies.

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