“She doesn’t want us to help her, we all tried to help her!”, Mallaury Nataf more fragile than ever, the latest news is not good!

Jacky from Club Dorothée was recently the guest of Jordan De Luxe on the set of his show “Chez Jordan”. An opportunity for the host to address a sensitive subject: Mallaury Nataf’s way of life. I saw her again some time ago because she was playing in ‘The Mysteries of Love’, but for a year I haven’t heard from her”he confided before evoking the excessive personality of the actress. “She has a particular temperament, I did not expect her to end up homeless […] In her head, she is quite complicated. Me, all the people of AB productions, we are a family, we tried to help her and she doesn’t want to “he specified.

In 2019, the 50-year-old actress made her big comeback in “The Mysteries of Love”. A relief for his fans who were able to find the interpreter of Lola Garnier on the small screen. Despite this comeback, the actress had a lot of trouble getting by. “I’m sharing with someone in the Hauts-de-Seine. And that is not easy. It’s not stable”she said in an interview for Here is.“I am paid 480 euros per day and I do two a month. It’s still very tense. It’s about 40 euros per hour “, specified the one who ended up finding the sidewalks of the Marais district, in Paris.

“She left on her own”

A shock for producer Jean-Luc Azoulay who nevertheless did everything to help his protege. “She was perfectly accepted by the film crew. She was no problem. Mallaury was not fired. She left on her own. Shortly before the first confinement of the month of March, she no longer responded to calls from production to find out her availability in order to set filming dates, as we do for all actors. No more signs of life… Again, it looked so much like him! »


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