After several weeks of consultations, Michel Barnier’s government was detailed on Saturday.
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Anne Genetet, the new Minister of National Education, “doesn’t know much, either directly or indirectly, about school and the education system”judged Saturday September 21 on franceinfo Elisabeth Allain-Moreno, general secretary of SE-Unsa, after the announcement of the government of Michel Barnier. “This worries us a lot.”
Elisabeth Allain-Moreno points “the great ministerial instability that we have experienced in recent years” and hopes for the ministry “someone who opens social dialogue, respects it and listens to the expertise of professionals.”
But the unionist deplores a new minister who, “on paper, has no expertise in the field of school.” She emphasizes the “need to master subjects such as training”, draws attention to “recruitment and attractiveness difficulties” of the profession, “the need to better accommodate students, whether at the level of students with disabilities or students with behavioral problems.”
Elisabeth Allain-Moreno recalls that “Since 2017, we have always had a dialogue of the deaf with many more media announcements than real listening and reforms that respond to the needs expressed by families and professionals”The SE-Unsa representative denounces the fact that the school is “an adjustment variable”, “an object of political balance”, instead of being “a priority, as the president keeps repeating.” “School concerns millions of students and young people every year” And “prepares the future of society”says Elisabeth Allain-Moreno. “So she deserves much better than being reduced solely to this search for political balance.”