she discovers her illness because of a… cup of tea

Friday, September 30, the day before the start of the operation Pink October(annual communication campaign intended to raise women’s awareness of breast cancer screening and to raise funds for research, editor’s note), Faustine Bollaert had dedicated her program, It starts today on France 2, to celebrities involved in the fight against breast cancer. The host obviously invited Fanny Leeb to her set! The 36-year-old was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 4, 2018. “It’s a so-called ‘triple negative’ cancer, very aggressive. Its proliferation rate is very fast”had entrusted the daughter of the comedian, Michel Leeb on his account instagramas she appeared with a shaved head.

The singer revealed how she had discovered this disease, of which she is now cured. “It was in the studio. There was no kettle, it stopped working, so I went to the gas station across the street, I ask for a cup without the little plastic cap, and when I want to push the doors of the studio which are extremely heavy (…) the tea waltzes and burns my breast”, she said. And a few days later, she noticed a burn. “That’s how I realized it. I touch and continuing with my hand, I say to myself: ‘I have a small ball there’ (…) I did not wait very long , I called my gynecologist the next morning”she said before adding: “Deep inside I felt there was something wrong, I told myself it wasn’t a cyst, I felt it.”

Her gynecologist ordered her a breast ultrasound. But making an appointment to get it gives him a hard time. “I call in the morning, and they say, ‘Listen, miss, there’s no room for two weeks.’ It was the voice of a woman on the phone, so I said to her: ‘I have a lump in my breast, you are a woman, find me a seat first.’ I really insisted”, she recalled, indicating that she was able to take the exam the next day. An examination that will tell her that she had breast cancer.

As a reminder, each year in France, one in eight women is affected by breast cancer, which corresponds to more than 58,000 new people diagnosed. Breast cancer is the most common in women, and represents more than a third of female cancers. More rarely, it can also affect men (1% of diagnoses are made in men).

His brother Tom, his rock!

In June 2020, Fanny Leeb was the guest of Michel Drucker in Roll on next Sunday alongside his father and his brother, Tom. The opportunity to look back on this very difficult period during which she was able to count on the unwavering support of her brother. “Tom has been my lifeline through this whole treatment. He’s someone who practically lived things as if he was living them. He was with me both on the phone and physically present by my side. I could do anything. tell him. When I was down he knew how to pick me up, and when I was up he knew how to make me explode with joy and enjoy it.”she revealed.

See also: Michel Cymes with cancer: the star host of France 2 “discovered it by chance” and talks about it for the very first time!

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