she asks her fans for help for a funny reason

She will become a mother for a second time in the coming months. Indeed, on February 4, Nabilla announced very big news to her fans. Although the latter suspected it for some time, the darling of Thomas Vergara confirmed the fact that she was pregnant for several months. His little Milann will therefore soon be able to discover the joys of being a big brother but also of sharing his toys. And that might cause some problems…

“We kept this little secret for a long time in order to fully enjoy our happiness as a family, but today it’s time to share my happiness with you. My belly is growing day by day. We are very happy for you announce that we are expecting our second child”, wrote the mother-to-be on her Instagram account to share the good news with her community. Since then, her pregnancy seems to be going well. However, the darling of Thomas Vergara is tormented by a funny question. The former reality TV candidate speaking on her Snapchat account to ask for help from her followers.

“How am I going to love both children the same? Because it’s true that, my son, I love him very much, more than I love myself. I don’t remember when I was pregnant of my son, if it was already so strong or not”she confided at first before adding: “I think so, I don’t know anymore. It is true that there, I ask myself questions. I’m like, ‘Is it going to be the same? As soon as the child is born, will the love be increased tenfold right away?'”. By these questions, Nabilla feels a lot of concern and does not really know how she will be able to manage the situation: “Here, I’m scared. It’s a bit silly to think that, but yet it’s the truth so I don’t hide it. I wonder if I will succeed in loving both children equally. The same love in the heart and everything”.

A completely legitimate question and no doubt that many mothers of two or more children have already asked themselves it. These can also give some advice to Nabilla so that she can better understand the situation.

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