sharp diplomatic crisis between Sweden and Middle Eastern countries


Video length: 1 min.


Sweden faces the wrath of many Arab countries. His diplomatic representatives were summoned by the Saudi and Iranian authorities. Iraq even ordered the expulsion of the Swedish ambassador. It all started with a demonstration in Stockholm (Sweden) where the Koran was desecrated.

Here is the image at the origin of the diplomatic scandal. Protected by Swedish police, a man tramples on a copy of the Koran during a rally in front of the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm (Sweden). The gesture, considered as desecration, provokes the fury of the Muslims present on the spot. Anger is also present in the Middle East. The Swedish embassy in Baghdad (Iraq) was burnt down the same evening, and the Swedish representative was expelled by the authorities. Even today, hundreds of Iraqis demonstrated in the streets.

A second scandal after that of June

The perpetrator, a thirty-year-old of Iraqi origin who has taken refuge in Sweden, is not at his first attempt. On June 28, the Muslim holiday of Eid, he had already trampled on the Koran, slipped slices of bacon inside and burned a few pages in front of the great mosque in Stockholm. The Swedish authorities oscillate between condemnation and defense of freedom of expression. A case that continues to grow, to invite itself to the UN.

source site-24