Shanna Kress and Jonathan Matijas reveal the name and gender of their “gone baby”

It is with a heavy heart that Shanna Kress and her companion, Jonathan Matijas, announced the sad news. After discovering that one of their twins had Down’s syndrome, the couple let their community know that they had the choice to keep only one child. The intervention was done in recent days and it was obviously difficult to live for the future parents. They still found the strength to give news to their fans through a YouTube video posted this Friday, June 17.

A video in which the young woman spoke of the interventions she had just undergone to “evacuate” the baby whose heart they had decided to stop. “Let’s go to a delivery room. They’re going to do me like an epidural but it’s not really that, it’s anesthesia”she announces at first before giving more details: “We’re going to put oxygen in my nose, infusions, I have cables everywhere… It’s not great. Now it’s time T. I’m not hiding from you that it’s very hard for both of us, but luckily we’re together. It’s really not easy. Then we’re left in a room to be able to cry, empty our bags for about two hours. It’s really very, very hard.”.

Still present despite everything

Even if she knows very well that her choice and her act will be strongly commented on in the coming days, Shanna Kress still insisted on specifying that a “child feels things from 18 weeks. That’s when he has nerve endings”. However, Jonathan’s darling specifies that she was pregnant with “15 weeks so the baby didn’t feel anything”.

If the whole video was heartbreaking, it was nothing after the sequence… In which the future mother revealed the name and the sex of the baby who had “gone”. “The one who left was a little boy”, she explains, plunging her companion into immense pain. He still found the courage to reveal the first name they had chosen for their child: “His name is Christopher, it’s my middle name”. We wish a lot of courage and hope that the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly for Shanna Kress.

See also: Video: Shanna Kress: New Baywatch star?


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