Shanna Kress and Jonathan Matijas collapsed: the couple announce the name and the sex of the baby “who is gone”

We decided to keep only one child. It’s not easy because his heart will stop, there is still one that will be born and it’s a chance“, had declared Jonathan Matijas on social networks after learning that one of the twins that his beautiful Shanna Kress has trisomy 21. Since this announcement, the couple had deserted social networks. Until this Friday, June 17, 2022, where the future parents shared a new video on YouTube, retracing the intervention at the hospital.

Tuesday June 14, 2022, Shanna Kress and Jonathan Matijas joined a Marseille establishment. “I can’t take it anymore, I can’t wait for everything to go well“, then indicates the former candidate of reality tv seen in Angels (W9) or The people of Marseilles (W9). And to explain the sequence of events:Head to a delivery room. They’re going to give me an epidural, but it’s not really that, it’s anesthesia. They will put oxygen in my nose, IVs, I have cables everywhere… It’s not great. There, it’s time T. I won’t hide from you that it’s very hard for both of you, but luckily we’re together. It’s really not easy. Then we are left in a room to be able to cry, empty our bag for about two hours. It’s really very very hard.

After the “gesture“, as the medical profession calls it, the couple goes to their room. Shanna Kress, who “cannot move due to anesthesia“and with a low spirit, is transferred to a stretcher. At this time, they spend some time there in order to rest and slowly recover from their emotions, before finally leaving the hospital. “A child feels things from 18 weeks. That’s when he has nerve endings. I’m 15 weeks pregnant so the baby didn’t feel anything“, wishes to clarify Shanna Kress.

In this same video, the future mother learns the sexes of her two babies. She chooses to share the news with her lover only once at home. “The one who left was a little boyshe launches in front of a collapsed Jonathan Matijas. He will be in our heart.“That’s when the dad-to-be makes a big announcement:”His name is Christopher, that’s my middle name.“Heartbreaking secrets from the bereaved couple.”What keeps us going is this promise for the future“, he concludes, determined to move forward…

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