“Shanghai residents advised us to buy rich and nutritious food”, testify customers of a Beijing supermarket who fear confinement

The inhabitants of Beijing, who fear finding themselves in the situation of Shanghai, continue to stock up on food.

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After Shanghai, will the capital be the next strictly reconfigured Chinese city? The inhabitants of Beijing hold their breath: if the megalopolis has recorded several dozen cases of Covid-19 in recent days, the Chinese authorities announced Monday evening the extension of the massive screening campaign. Eleven districts are now concerned, a large part of the 22 million inhabitants of the capital.

Direct consequence: the population rushes to the shops for fear of running out of food, dreading finding themselves in Shanghai’s situation. Early, Tuesday, April 26, ahe long queue has started to form in front of this supermarket in Chaoyang district. And it’s like that now every day.

Customers have come to stock up and for the moment the stores are well stocked. This mother comes out with two big bags full of food: “I bought bread, dry beef, sausages, vegetables and instant noodles. Last night my husband also bought other things. I followed the advice given on social networks by the population of Shanghai to the people of Beijing. They advised us to buy more rich and nutritious foods.

We can also see queues in front of the improvised screening centers. Tents have been set up all over the streets of the capital, as part of the massive testing campaign launched by the authorities, which are imposing three mandatory screenings this week only. And you have to take your pain patiently: “I waited 1h30. In my city, there are thousands of inhabitants who do mass screening. The queue is very long, everyone wanted to get the screening done as soon and as soon as possible“, says a resident.

Depending on the results of these massive tests, the authorities will decide whether or not to confine Beijing. In certain neighborhoods where there have been cases of Covid, the inhabitants of around thirty residences have already been banned from leaving their homes.

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