Shanghai imposes a new containment in two stages


France 2

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China is facing a rebound in the Covid-19 epidemic, leading authorities to implement a containment in Shanghai.

The Covid-19 is hitting China hard, which is returning to strict containment. This concerns Shanghai and its 25 million inhabitants. The containment will be done in several stages. “This is the first strict confinement in Shanghai since the start of the pandemic and it is done in two stages: the city is divided on both sides of the Huangpu River. Since five o’clock this morning, the eastern part, the Pudong sector, has been locked up. Nine million people are banned from leaving their homes for four days, then from Friday it will be the turn of the western districts“, reports journalist Lou Kisiela, live from Shanghai (China) for the 8 Hours of France 2, Monday March 28.

The authorities want to test all the inhabitants of the metropolis. Until now, the Shanghai government had ruled out total containment.“, continues the journalist, who specifies that “the authorities were carrying out local confinements, residence by residence“. Be one “strategy to avoid completely blocking the economic capital of the country“.

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