Shakira soon in prison? The singer sentenced to trial for tax evasion of an exorbitant sum!

According to information from People, Shakira will soon be tried in a tax evasion case. Passed through the cracks until today, the sum is exorbitant. The singer would have hijacked no less than $13.9 million.

As reported by theAssociated Press, the Spanish authorities authorized prosecutors to initiate proceedings on Tuesday, September 27. If she is indeed found guilty of not having paid her taxes in Spain between 2012 and 2014, she would risk a prison sentence of 8 eight years accompanied by a very large fine. In view of the fraud, we can expect a very salty addition. But for now, the “Waka Waka” singer denies and her reps say she did pay what she owed. What’s more, they claim that Shakira had spent most of her time abroad during those times, touring and otherwise, and that she hadn’t tried to hide any of her income.

“Shakira has always cooperated with and obeyed the law, demonstrating impeccable conduct as an individual and a taxpayer, and faithfully following the advice of Price Waterhouse Coopers, a prestigious and globally recognized tax firm”said his representative. Unfortunately, the Spanish tax office, which loses every other lawsuit with its taxpayers, continues to violate its rights and pursue another baseless case. Shakira is confident that her innocence will be proven at the end of the legal proceedings.” A process that has been going on for several years now. Shakira was first charged with tax evasion in 2018, when she had to pay nearly $25 million in taxes.

If we attack her again, it is because her private life has been very publicized lately with her divorce. A separation that makes the tax authorities want to dive a little into their savings given that Shakira had moved to Barcelona in 2011, once her relationship with Gérard Pique was made public. While maintaining his tax residence in the Bahamas Islands, considered a tax haven, until 2015…

“We regret to confirm that we are separating. We ask for some privacy at this time for the well-being of our children, who are our highest priority. We thank you in advance for your understanding and respect.“, had declared the ex in a press release to announce their separation.

Laura Bertrand

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