Shakira separated from Gerard Piqué: reunion under tension in the Czech Republic

Shakira and Gerard Pique announced their breakup on Saturday June 4 via a joint press release after about twelve years together. But they insisted on recalling that their children, Milan and Sasha, remained their “big priority”. This is why the newly separated couple traveled to the Czech Republic last weekend to support their eldest Milan, expected at a baseball tournament.

But according to the Spanish media “Lecturas”, despite their common interest in supporting their children, the singer and the footballer did everything to avoid appearing together in front of the cameras. To begin with, they would not have made the outward trip with the family, nor the return trip, the father having made the trip alone before going on vacation after the tournament without going back to Barcelona. Same scenario in the stands, since Pique was seen further in the stands than his ex.

A broken relationship?

It had been several weeks that the situation seemed to be deteriorating for this iconic couple of the Spanish media landscape, but especially international. While Shakira no longer displayed her husband on her social networks since March, several Spanish newspapers were already claiming that they were experiencing an unprecedented marital crisis. Rumors of the Barça footballer’s infidelity to his wife probably didn’t help matters, pushing the two parents to break up.

According El Periodico, they were already living apart for several days, even before the formalization of their separation. The 45-year-old Colombian would still live in the family home with her two children. Anyway, this breakup is still a little hard to believe, as the couple seemed to show no sign of weakness for so many years. A solidity displayed since their officialization in 2011, only a few months after having met on the set of the clip “Waka Waka” produced on the occasion of the 2010 Football World Cup.

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