Shaken by the Quatennens affair, Jean-Luc Mélenchon recalls his feminist feats

Criticized, after the Quatennens affair, even in his camp, Jean-Luc Mélenchon tried to justify himself once again by claiming decades of commitment in favor of women.

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Jean-Luc Melenchon published a long text on his Facebook page where he defines himself as a “feminist activist for fifty years” and claims to have always fought patriarchy and promoted many women in politics.

A somewhat laborious self-justification which illustrates the deep malaise on the left since the rebellious leader praised the “courage” and the “dignity“of his lieutenant Adrien Quatennens when he admitted having hit his wife.

More than 500 feminist activists committed to the left have, for example, published a petition to denounce a “system of protection for aggressors in politics”, accuse Jean-Luc Mélenchon of participating in it and demand the resignation of Adrien Quatennens from the Assembly. . Newer, the critics fuse even within the Insoumis. Proof that LFI has indeed entered a new period: that of the post-Mélenchon period.

The interested party opened it himself by announcing at the beginning of September that he wishes “To be replaced” in the presidential election of 2027. Remember that he will then be 75 years old. One of his followers, Alexis Corbière immediately confirmed that a “new stage” opened, that of the succession. And on franceinfo, another putative heir, the deputy of the Somme François Ruffin lectured Jean-Luc Mélenchon by accusing him of having confused two registers in the Quatennens affair, the friendship he has for the deputy of the North, and “the political reaction of a political leader who must defend principles even when his own are at stake“.

But the Insoumis have not yet turned the Mélenchon page, and it will take a little time. It’s not simple because the party was made by and for the leader. In his absence, there is no indisputable leader. And no line. We saw it last week during this press conference where rebellious female MPs sputtered answers in wooden language while their male colleagues looked courageously at their shoes.

For the Insoumis, life without Mélenchon is a bit like when your parents took the small wheels off your bike: at first, you often end up with your nose on the tarmac. And yet, at some point, you have to learn to pedal on your own…

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