Seymour Brussel: What becomes of the ex-member of the Unknowns?

For many, Les Inconnus is above all a popular trio made up of Didier Bourdon, Bernard Campan and Pascal Légitimus. But older people will probably remember that the band – initially called Les Cinq – had five members when it left in 1984, since there were also Smaïn and Seymour Brussel. The first left after a year. The group was then named Les Cat Car and co and, in 1988, it was the second that slammed the door. Les Inconnus will remain three with the phenomenal success that we have known since.

Monday March 14, Laurent Ruquier had invited Seymour Brussel – who we learned ten years ago that he was became a bioenergetician – on his show The Big Heads on RTL. The former comedian and humorist came to talk about the expanded and enriched reissue of his book entitled The self-healing body (at Dervy). This year, it also publishes Fear, the origin of our illnesses. On the phone, he said he was now an osteopath and, contrary to a persistent rumor, he denied being a magnetizer. “I work in biodynamic osteopathy, that is to say energetic, without manipulation“, he declared. He took advantage of his presence on the air to explain some notions to the members of the Big heads like on haptonomy or what a Doula does during childbirth.

Seymour Brussel, who started in the 1980s with the comedy TV program The Little Theater of Bouvard, has been a member of the National Group for the Organization of Alternative Medicine (GNOMA) for thirty years. He has moreover opened a practice in his name in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. Even if show business is no longer his priority or his livelihood, the former artist does not deny anything from the past. Interviewed in 2018 by Actu.frin promotion for another book, he said then of his time in the spotlight: “It remains great memories. I have kept in touch with my former stage partners, and even with the stage itself, since I take recreational breaks by creating humorous shows around health.

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