The arrest of three sports coaches suspected of crimes of a sexual nature at Saint-Laurent high school on Wednesday once again demonstrates the importance of implementing mechanisms to ensure “healthy and safe” sports environments, particularly with student-athletes, believe two stakeholders who work with young athletes and surveyed by The Press.
Posted at 5:00 a.m.
“This is not the first time that we have experienced situations like this, and for me, it reiterates the importance that the communities – beyond the usual checks of criminal records – must be equipped to select the good coaches. Schools must put in place processes with regular follow-ups, ”says Fabrice Vil, general manager of Pour 3 points, an organization that trains coaches to support young athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds.
“Shocked” by the arrest of the three coaches, Mr. Vil affirms that the choice of coaches must be marked out much better.

Fabrice Vil, CEO of Pour 3 points
Having better mechanisms is not going to eliminate abuse. There always will be, but there is clearly a risk reduction issue to consider.
Fabrice Vil, CEO of Pour 3 points
In his Coach Selection Guide, published in 2019, the Pour 3 points organization also sets criteria for “choosing a coach”. Among them are his willingness to learn, his openness to introspection, his “belief in the player’s ability to develop”, his perseverance and his ability to collaborate.
Conversely, the unfavorable criteria for a selection can be “a coach’s closure or indifference to learning”, or even his tendency to blame others or to be on the defensive, or to put too much emphasis on the pursuit of results at all costs, “as opposed to development”.
“What is clear is that schools can be much better equipped. We have to start this process”, supports Fabrice Vil, who campaigns to “transform” coaches into “life coaches”.
The importance of filing a complaint
For the general manager and co-founder of Sport’Aide, Sylvain Croteau, the case also illustrates the importance of filing a complaint when an attack occurs.
“Recently, we celebrated the first anniversary of the Independent Complaints Officer, which was set up in 2020 by the government. This entity exists, and can handle complaints in a completely confidential manner, by investigating without going through sports organizations or federations. From the moment he receives a complaint, the Officer can investigate,” he explains.

Sylvain Croteau, CEO and co-founder of Sport’Aide
That’s the message we need to get across today. If you are experiencing situations, talk about them, ask for help, file a complaint.
Sylvain Croteau, CEO and co-founder of Sport’Aide
Mr. Croteau recognizes, however, that this process is often still “very difficult”. “Unfortunately, a victim may have sent up to seven signals in their immediate surroundings before someone listened or understood that something was going on. The problem is when you’ve done it seven times and no one is listening to you, you doubt even more, ”denounces the DG.
His organization is precisely “there to help the victims” to file a complaint, if they feel the need, he recalls. “We can accompany you there. We are here for that,” he says, before concluding on a more personal note. “Myself, I am the father of children who play sports. And just to think that it could happen to them, it upsets me. We so just want them to have fun, to develop skills. If we can help, we will. This is our job, this is our mission. »