Sexual violence: Gérard Depardieu assures that he is “neither a rapist nor a predator” in Le Figaro


France 2

Article written by

France 2 – J. Hélion

France Televisions

Gérard Depardieu assured, in an open letter published in Le Figaro on Monday October 2, that he was “neither a rapist nor a predator”, while he is accused by more than a dozen women of sexist violence. and sexual.

After months of discretion, Gérard Depardieu comes out of silence in an open letter published in Le FigaroMonday October 2. “I am neither a rapist nor a predator. Never, ever, will Ihave abused a woman”he writes. For three years, the French actor has been indicted for rape and of the sexual assault on actress Charlotte Arnould. She filed a complaint against him for two rapes in 2018, accusations refuted by the actor.

“It will be up to the courts to decide”

This statement is shocking for Charlotte Arnould’s lawyer, Me Carine Durrieu-Diebolt. “Mr. Depardieu is not the protector of women that he claims to be and he says that he is neither a rapist nor a predator, it will be up to the courts to decide”she reacted. In an article published last April, 13 women accused the actor of inappropriate sexual acts and remarks committed on film sets between 2004 and 2022.

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