Sexual Misconduct in Schools | Quebec creates a reporting hotline

(Quebec) Bernard Drainville announced Wednesday the creation of a telephone line dedicated to reporting situations of sexual misconduct and violence in schools. This announcement is part of a “general investigation” of the Ministry of Education towards the school network.

This new line, 1-833-DENONCE, is open now from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. It is also possible to leave a message on a voice mailbox outside this time slot in order to be called back by an agent. This new tool is in addition to the email address already in effect, [email protected]. Together, they must allow the department to follow up on the reports and denunciations that shake the schools of Quebec.

“It is important to mention that the Ministry of Education cannot replace police forces, particularly in cases of criminal offences. We encourage anyone who has suffered a criminal act in a school environment, or who has witnessed it, to report the situation directly to the police by dialing 911 or by going to a police station,” the ministry said on Wednesday. Education in a statement.

On March 21, Bernard Drainville announced that he was launching a “general inquiry” into the numerous allegations of sexual crimes denounced which have shaken the school environment for months. In a speech, the Minister of Education cited as examples of cases reported in the media where teachers have been accused of having affairs with teenagers, among others.

Officials from the department’s internal affairs department are conducting the “general scope” investigation of the entire network of school service centres.

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