Sexual Misconduct Allegations | Philippe Bond retires from public life

Comedian and comedian Philippe Bond is stepping down from public life following allegations of sexual misconduct detailed in a report by The Press.

Posted at 8:03 a.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

“I am appalled by what I have just read. I do not recognize the person who is described in this article, ”reacted Philippe Bond in a publication on his Instagram account.

In the investigation published Thursday where eight women testify, including four with their faces uncovered, there is a report of sexual misconduct on the part of Mr. Bond.

The comedian announced Thursday morning to withdraw from his radio show and his shows. “Out of respect for my collaborators and employers who have worked with me for years and because I want to prevent them from answering an avalanche of questions from journalists, I am withdrawing from everything. »

The host and comedian’s website was also taken down last night.

He also claims to want to protect and take care of his wife and children. “Thinking about what they will have to go through overwhelms me. »

Allegations of a sexual nature against several women had been publicly raised a few days ago. A comedian had accused Bond of being “a rapist” live while recording a podcast.

Philippe Bond had denied the allegations.

“Today I get up and shout my innocence loud and clear, he said via social networks. All the relationships I have had have been consensual, I have NEVER been an aggressor, NEVER will be and I will NEVER accept being accused of it without defending myself. »

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