Sexual content involving a minor | Three Real Madrid players arrested for broadcasting video

(Madrid) Spanish police arrested three young Real Madrid players on Thursday suspected of broadcasting a sexual video recording involving a minor, a police spokesperson announced.

The three young footballers, whose identities have not been revealed, are between 21 and 22 years old. They were arrested at Real’s training center following a complaint filed by the mother of the 16-year-old girl who appears in this video, added a spokesperson for the Guardia Civil.

“They were arrested on suspicion of broadcasting a video with sexual content with a minor,” he said.

The three suspects were released after their interrogation. Their cell phones were searched. A fourth young Real Madrid player is the subject of investigation in the same context.

In a statement, Real Madrid said it had learned that a player from Castilla, its reserve team, and three players from Real Madrid C “made a statement to the Civil Guard regarding a complaint for the alleged broadcast of a video private on WhatsApp.

“When the club knows the facts in detail, it will take appropriate measures,” adds Real.

According to the online media El Confidencial, which revealed the case, the main suspect, who plays for Real Madrid C, would have recorded a consensual sexual encounter that he had with the young girl before sending the video, without his consent, to others.

“The dissemination of sexual images without consent also constitutes sexual violence recognized by law,” commented the Spanish Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, on her X account (formerly Twitter).

“We have an obligation not to look the other way and to guarantee all women their full rights,” she added.

This news comes as Spanish soccer has been struggling for almost a month in the scandal arising from the forced kiss given by the former president of the Federation (RFEF), Luis Rubiales, to the Spanish player Jenni Hermoso in the minutes having followed the coronation of “Roja” in the final of the Women’s World Cup, on August 20 in Sydney.

Luis Rubiales, who resigned last Sunday, is summoned this Friday at 12 p.m. (6 a.m. Eastern time) by an investigating judge “to be heard as an accused” and respond to accusations of “sexual assault » brought against him.

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