Sexual contact on a teenage girl | Producer Luc Wiseman sentenced to two years in prison

Disgraced TV producer Luc Wiseman was sentenced Friday to two years less a day in prison for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl three times. Gestures “highly reprehensible” and “unacceptable”, according to judge Pierre Labelle.

Updated yesterday at 3:04 p.m.

Louis-Samuel Perron

Louis-Samuel Perron
The Press

The former monk of the television community had cut short the legal process by pleading guilty last month to a charge of sexual contact with a minor. The lawyers then presented this joint sentencing suggestion, which was approved by the judge on Friday. The magistrate made a point of addressing the victim in rendering his decision.

There is nothing in this decision that can erase what happened. I can only wish that your suffering could lessen over time. I salute your courage to have denounced his actions.

Judge Pierre Labelle

The crimes were committed in 2020 and 2021 in Charlevoix and Montreal. Justice Labelle highlights among the aggravating factors the “gradation” in the actions taken. To protect the victim’s identity, we must keep the exact circumstances of the case secret.

“Deep consequences” on the victim

In a first event, Luc Wiseman first touched the victim’s buttocks. In a second episode, he used a massage device to touch the victim’s back and buttocks. Eventually, in April 2021, the 66-year-old fondled and kissed the victim’s breasts, then proceeded to fondle her buttocks and genitals.

These assaults had profound consequences for the teenager, according to her statement to the court. The victim has since felt anxiety, stress and has episodes of panic. She now has difficulty socializing and being in a public place. She also suffered pain in her genitals as a result of the assaults.

Judge Labelle selected among the aggravating factors the harmful consequences for the victim, breach of trust and the number of assaults. The magistrate noted as mitigating factors the accused’s acknowledgment of guilt, his “low, even non-existent” risk of recidivism and his “sincere” regrets. The accused began therapy upon his arrest.

Since the Friesen judgment of the Supreme Court, which came to toughen the sentences with regard to children, the sentences for similar cases are between 12 and 24 months of detention, recalls Judge Labelle. The sentence suggested by the parties is thus fair and proportionate in the context, according to the judge.

Note that Luc Wiseman was imprisoned following his conviction last month. His 28 days of detention were calculated at “time and a half” because of the “difficult” conditions of detention, according to his lawyer, Mr.e Alexander Beloved. Luc Wiseman will also be subject to three years probation at the end of his sentence.

Like the judge, the Crown prosecutor, Ms.e Annabelle Sheppard, underlined in the press scrum the “resilience” and the “courage” of the victim in this case.

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