Sexual assaults | Longueuil creates an investigation review committee

(Montreal) The City of Longueuil announced Wednesday the creation of a sexual assault investigation review committee (REMAS) in order to review cases declared unfounded or unresolved by the Police Department of the agglomeration of Longueuil (SPAL).

These must be closed cases for which no charges have been filed. Victims must make the request themselves, by email, to the address [email protected].

The process will be carried out in collaboration with the SPAL, the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) and the Assistance Center for Victims of Crime (CAVAC).

“The aim of this partnership with specialists from different areas of expertise is to enable the identification of best practices in the processing of sexual assault cases and to increase the confidence of victims in the system of justice,” said the City in a press release.

“The stakeholders will, among other things, be called upon to review the police investigation as well as the follow-up and support provided to the victims. Participants also have a duty to ensure that targeted cases have been processed in accordance with the law and with respect for the rights of victims,” she added.

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