Sexual Assault Charges | André Boisclair will know his sentence on Monday

(Montreal) Former politician André Boisclair is expected in court on Monday at the Montreal courthouse for the pronouncement of his sentence.

Posted at 8:07

The former leader of the Parti Québécois admitted his guilt on one count of sexual assault with the help of a third party against a first victim and another of sexual assault against a second victim .

Everything indicates that the 56-year-old man will spend several months behind bars.

The defense and the Crown both suggested on June 20 that Mr. Boisclair be sent to prison for two years less a day after he admitted his guilt on both counts.

The charge of sexual assault with a weapon in the first case was dropped.

Judge Pierre Labelle, of the Court of Quebec, however, did not render a decision on the bench, but rather took it under advisement and it is therefore on July 18 that the former PQ leader and former minister will know the fate that justice reserves for him.

The two victims, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, delivered moving testimonies on June 20 at the courthouse, following Mr. Boisclair’s guilty plea.

André Boisclair’s lawyer, Mr.e Michel Massicotte, argued that his client’s judgment was “significantly impaired” during the events, while he was taking medication and consuming narcotics.

He argued that his client underwent multiple therapies after being charged and underwent around 40 random drug tests, “all of which were negative”.

The common suggestion of the parties is for a sentence of 18 months’ imprisonment for the sexual assault committed with the help of third parties on the first victim and six months less a day for the sexual assault against the second.

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