Sexual Assault | A collective action against the Brothers of Charity authorized

(Montreal) The Superior Court of Montreal has authorized a class action against the Brothers of Charity for sexual assaults perpetrated over three quarters of a century.

The hearing, which took place on December 12, gave rise to a positive response from Judge Pierre Nollet on January 24.

The heir of the initial plaintiff, identified by the initials AB, will act as representative for all victims of sexual assault committed in Quebec by a member or an employee of the congregation of the Brothers of Charity since 1er January 1940.

The Brothers of Charity have been very involved in primary and secondary education in Quebec over the last century. The organization founded several schools in Quebec, including Mont-Saint-Antoine, in Montreal, and Collège Saint-Bernard, in Drummondville.

A dozen alleged attackers are targeted by the action.

More than a dozen victims have already registered for collective action, said the firm Arsenault Dufresne Wee Avocats, which is leading the case. According to Me Justin Wee, however, the victims could number in the hundreds.

All victims can register free of charge and in complete confidentiality for this class action by contacting the law firm by email at the following address: [email protected].

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