Sexual abuse: the church reveals that eleven bishops are implicated in new cases



Article written by

V. Lerouge, F. Bouquillat, J. Chapman, P. Guény – France 3

France Televisions

In the midst of the conference of bishops of France in Lourdes, the Church revealed that eleven bishops are implicated in cases of sexual abuse, Monday, November 7. Some facts have been kept secret sometimes for decades.

The bishops have been meeting in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées) for three days, Monday, November 7, and are once again faced with sexual abuse scandals. A prominent figure finds himself in turmoil. This is Cardinal Ricard, long president of the conference of bishops and former bishop of Bordeaux (Gironde). He sent a letter to his fathers yesterday, which was made public.Thirty-five years ago, when I was parish priest, I behaved in a reprehensible way with a 14-year-old girl. My behavior necessarily caused serious and lasting consequences for this person“, reads the Bishop of Moulins Beaufort, president of the conference of bishops of France.

These confessions come after another affair that shook the Catholic community a month ago. The former bishop of Créteil made young adults undress during confessions. He was discarded by Rome in all discretion, but a magazine made the case public. In total, eleven former bishops are implicated. The bishops will announce tomorrow what procedure they intend to put in place so that there is no longer any impunity within the Church.

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