Sex and the City actor accused of rape and assault demented

(Los Angeles) American actor Chris Noth, famous for his role as Mr. Big in the series Sex and the City, denied Thursday the accusations of two women who say they were victims of sexual assault on his part.

Chris Noth recently found himself propelled into the headlines of the American media after an incredible revival of the series and the death of his character on a stationary bike. He believes that it is no coincidence that these accusations, made anonymously by two women to the Hollywood Reporter, follow this media frenzy of just a few days.

The trade magazine published the accusations of the two women on Thursday, who do not know each other and contacted the magazine several months apart. They explained that the publicity surrounding the resumption of Sex and the City on the HBO channel had “awakened painful memories”, writes The Hollywood Reporter.

“The accusations leveled against me by people I have met years, even decades ago, are categorically false,” reacted in a statement sent to AFP the 67-year-old actor.

“The relations were consensual,” he insists.

“No always means no – it’s a line I haven’t crossed,” Chris Noth said.

“It’s hard not to wonder when these stories come out. I don’t know exactly why they are surfacing now, but I know this: I did not attack these women, ”concludes the actor.

One of them says she was raped by Mr. Noth in 2004 at the actor’s apartment in West Hollywood, when she came to return a loaned book when they passed by the pool of the building.

She was 22 at the time and had to go to hospital to receive stitches after the rape, according to her account, some details of which are confirmed by several witnesses interviewed by the Hollywood Reporter.

The other woman went on a date with Chris Noth in New York in 2015. He then invited her to his apartment, where she claims she was assaulted.

According to Deadline, a site specializing in the entertainment industry, the Los Angeles police opened an investigation after the alleged rape in 2004.

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