Severe thunderstorms | Almost all Quebecers have found the power

(Montreal) Virtually all homes that were without power in Quebec due to Thursday’s violent storms have regained power.

At the start of the day, Sunday, there were less than 2,000 customers affected by the outages. The day before, at the same time, they were 20,000 to be deprived of access to electricity.

Hydro-Quebec teams must continue their work on the ground on Sunday, but they are now tackling more complex breakdowns in isolated areas.

On Saturday, the state company explained that most of the remaining outages affected a very small number of customers, which means that its teams must deploy the same effort to reconnect fewer subscribers at a time.

Thus, according to Hydro-Québec, some households may have to wait until the beginning of the week before regaining access to electricity.

On Thursday, the steamroller of severe thunderstorms and even tornadoes moved about 450 kilometers from south of Ottawa to Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, halfway between Trois- Rivers and Quebec.

All affected areas received rainfall amounts varying between 50 and 90 millimetres, which caused sewer overflows and extensive flooding in several municipalities.

In Montreal, the City said Friday that it had received in some places 88 millimeters of rain in less than two hours Thursday afternoon, almost the amount it receives on average in the whole month of July (91 mm) .

At the height of the crisis, Thursday evening, 392,000 Hydro-Québec customers were affected by outages.

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