several weather-related wildfires are affecting the London area

London firefighters were mobilized on Sunday July 24 against three wildfires linked to high temperatures and wind around the British capital. A fourth is raging in nearby Surrey, days after a heat record was broken in the UK.

“London firefighters are dealing with a number of weather-related blazes”, tweeted the London Fire Brigade, specifying that between midnight and 5 p.m., the soldiers of the fire carried out more interventions than in a usual period of 24 hours. Temperatures reached 29°C on Sunday in south-east England.

A fire in Enfield, north London, covered an area of ​​20 hectares but was “under control” at the end of the afternoon. 100 firefighters and 14 machines were deployed.

Leave the windows closed

In Hayes, west of the capital, near Heathrow airport, 40 firefighters and six machines were dispatched to fight the flames which spread over five hectares, while in Thamesmead, on the east, 65 firefighters, eight engines and a boat were deployed. In areas close to homes, firefighters have recommended that residents close windows to avoid smoke and also recommend canceling barbecues that have been planned, insisting on preventive measures.

A fourth vegetation fire, causing significant smoke, was also reported by firefighters in Surrey, about sixty kilometers south-west of London. It resulted in the closure of several roads.

source site-29