This reform provides for a 25% reduction in the duration of compensation for all jobseekers who have opened rights since February 1.
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(Another) reform that does not pass. Several trade unions announced on Friday March 24 the filing of an appeal against the unemployment insurance reform, which since February 1 has led to a reduction in the duration of compensation for all new job seekers.
The reform, which aims to modulate the conditions of unemployment insurance according to the situation of the labor market, provides for a 25% reduction in the duration of compensation for all jobseekers who have opened rights since February 1. . An unemployed person who would have been entitled, for example, to 12 months of compensation under the old system is now only entitled to nine months.
“An unjust reform”
“If the government persists in forcing its pension reform, we must not forget that it used the same strategy, despite the unanimous opposition of all the trade union organizations to reform unemployment insurance”write the CGT, FSU and Solidaires, denouncing “an unjust, unjustified reform which breaks a little more the rights of those deprived of employment”.
The previous controversial reform, launched in 2019 and fully entering into force at the end of 2021, had been delayed for two years due to Covid-19 and the appeals of the unions before the Council of State. In particular, it has tightened the conditions of compensation for job seekers, in particular those alternating periods of work and inactivity.