several thousand euros per month… the real livelihood of some farmers!

With a 17th season currently airing which is a hit every Monday in prime time on the sixth channel, there is no doubt that the romance program “Love is in the meadow” still has happy days ahead of it. ..

Since 2005, the success of M6’s flagship program has not wavered with an average of 3.8 million viewers… A mad craze that is pushing more and more farmers and suitors to take the plunge by trying to integrate the casting of the show to find love… It must also be said that with such an audience every Monday evening, the participants in the programs benefit from a huge spotlight which very often pushes them to launch themselves on the networks social!

A very profitable new career

Following the broadcasts, it is not uncommon for farmers, but also suitors, to take to social networks to try a career in the middle of influence. A second activity that can bring them a lot of money since according to our exclusive information, some of them monetize their content between 300 and 1000 euros per product placement… which can easily amount to several thousand per month!

Profitable partnerships that have changed their lives like Jérôme and Lucile, one of the star couples of season 15. “Jérôme earns his farming income and I earn what I earn from influence. But I earn more than Jérôme, that’s for sure.”declared the new influencer in the program “Cmedia” on September 25th.

The same is true for Mathieu and Alex who have also become real influencers since the broadcast of their season… A very profitable new activity!

See also: “I have files”: Laurent Ruquier challenges Karine Le Marchand on her story with JoeyStarr!


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