several thousand demonstrators in several cities, hundreds of arrests following incidents

The adoption of the pension reform has provoked numerous demonstrations interspersed with incidents throughout France. In Paris, 234 people were arrested.

The tension does not diminish. The final adoption of the pension reform after the rejection of the motion of censure on Monday March 20 provoked numerous demonstrations interspersed with incidents throughout France. In Paris, a few hundred people, joined by deputies from France Insoumise (LFI), first gathered, not far from the National Assembly, Place Vauban (VII arrondissement), before being channeled by the forces of the order.

>> Follow live the latest information on the pension reform

A total of 234 people were arrested, franceinfo learned from a police source on Tuesday. In addition, the police have counted about 240 interventions for fires, including garbage cans.

Then, garbage fires and clashes with the police took place in the Saint-Lazare station district (9th), around the Place de l’Opéra. A procession then roamed the streets overturning garbage cans, followed by the police on motorcycles, while others were at the Châtelet, not far from the Hôtel de Ville. 234 people were arrested. There were also 240 interventions for fires, including garbage cans. The police repeatedly used tear gas. Around 11 p.m., the situation became tense in the Place de la Bastille and in the adjacent streets with improvised barricades of garbage cans and burning wooden pallets.

Police officers suppressing demonstrations against the adoption of the pension reform, in Paris, on March 20, 2023. (FIORA GARENZI / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The same scenes in big cities

Other spontaneous demonstrations also took place in several major cities in France, such as Strasbourg, where a large thousand demonstrators first gathered at Place Kléber, in the heart of the city, whistling and booing the rejection of the motion of censorship before lighting smoke bombs and chanting “we too will go through with force”. Damage was committed: stoned bank facade, burnt bins, broken billboards… The prefecture announced six arrests.

In Dijon, around 200 people demonstrated. The police made two arrests. In Lyon, around 500 demonstrators, including many young people, gathered around 8:30 p.m. in the 3rd arrondissement. The prefecture reported nine arrests and one minor injury among the police. In Saint-Etienne, the prefecture identified four arrests and three injured police officers. In Lille, the demonstrators whistled and booed in front of the prefecture. “It’s going to be crazy”, “Louis XVI we decapitated him, Macron we will start again”they chanted.

A fire of garbage cans on a road in Rennes, after a demonstration against the adoption of the pension reform, March 20, 2023. (DAMIEN MEYER / AFP)

In Rennes, between 300 and 500 young people, depending on the prefecture, marched through the city center. In Nantes, the demonstration became tense in the middle of the evening, and bottles were thrown at the police, who responded with tear gas. Other gatherings took place in Bordeaux, Limoges, Poitiers, or even in Rouen or Brest.

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