several state services targeted


Video length: 2 min

Cyberattack: several state services targeted

France was targeted by a massive cyberattack “of unprecedented intensity”. Several ministries were targeted. The series of attacks was claimed by pro-Russian hacker groups.


France was targeted by a massive cyberattack “of unprecedented intensity”. Several ministries were targeted. The series of attacks was claimed by pro-Russian hacker groups.

A brutal and massive attack. The targets: Matignon, Bercy, the Ministry of Culture in particular, and many other state services, where since Sunday March 10 evening, internal communications have been prevented. The Prime Minister’s services speak of an offensive “of unprecedented intensity”. The method is, on the other hand, classic and well identified.

Pro-Russian hackers claim responsibility for attacks

Several hacker groups known to be pro-Russian have claimed responsibility for these attacks, including Anonymous Sudan. These pirates target enemies designated by Moscow. On February 20, the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, called, in an internal memo, to strengthen security measures in the face of threats of Russian sabotage and cyberattacks targeting his ministry.

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