In a letter addressed to the president, they denounce “the incredible violence” which the police have to face during the demonstrations.
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Police unions put pressure on the executive. In a letter sent Thursday, May 4 to Emmanuel Macron, several of them asked the Head of State in “emergency an anti-breakers law” also requested by Gérard Darmanin. They assure that the police are currently living a “apocalyptic situation” It front of “violence” which punctuate the demonstrations, in particular against the pension reform.
Grouped around Alliance, these unions obtained a meeting on Friday and are expected at the Elysee Palace on Friday May 12 at 10 a.m., they announced to AFP. They will be received by Emmanuel Macron’s chief of staff, Patrick Strzoda, and the president’s security adviser, Frédéric Rose. “This is a first step. Our goal is to be received by the Head of State”explained Eric Henry, a spokesperson for Alliance.
Gérald Darmanin is in favor of it
This letter does not show any mistrust on their part vis-à-vis the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, on the contrary. “The support of our supervisory minister no longer needs to be demonstrated, but it must be multiplied by all the political leaders, the first of whom, you, Mr. President”they write in this letter.
Gérald Darmanin again called for the development of an “anti-thug” law. But government spokesman Olivier Véran was cautious, arguing that there was no “no response at this stage” on the need for a new law. Nevertheless, the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti and Gérald Darmanin must study the question.
Towards heavier penalties?
In their letter to Emmanuel Macron, the police unions denounce “incredible violence” that law enforcement must deal with. This call comes after the demonstrations of May 1 marked in several cities, including Paris, by many injured among the police. The trade unionists are asking in particular “a penal response with minimum sentence for law enforcement aggressors from the first act committed” And “the creation of an offense of incitement to hatred or to commit a crime against law enforcement”.