“several people” have been arrested, announces the Ministry of the Interior

The Iranian authorities did not give details on the circumstances of these arrests or on the profile of the suspects.

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The Iranian Interior Ministry announced on Tuesday March 7 the first arrests in the investigation into the wave of poisoning which has affected thousands of schoolgirls for three months. “Several people have been arrested in five provinces and the services are continuing their investigation”, Deputy Interior Minister Majid Mirahmadi told state television. He did not give details of their identity, the circumstances of their arrest and their alleged involvement.

This mysterious affair provokes strong emotion in Iran, where parents of students have mobilized to call on the authorities to act. In total, “more than 5,000 students have been affected” In “some 230 schools” located in 25 of the 31 provinces of the country since the end of November, detailed a member of the parliamentary commission of inquiry responsible for shedding light on the causes of this wave of poisonings.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday called for “severe penalties” against persons found guilty of these “unpardonable crimes”. “There will be no amnesty” he warned, referring to this case for the first time.

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