Ex-members are particularly concerned about the new direction given to the commission.
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Several members of the Ciivise announced their resignation on Thursday, December 14, as a sign of protest, a few days after the announcement of the replacement of judge Edouard Durand by ex-rugby player Sébastien Boueilh. “We deplore that the two co-presidents [le juge des enfants Durand et Nathalie Mathieu] have not been previously informed either of the maintenance of the Civil Service or of the appointment [à sa tête] of Sébastien Boueilh, and therefore the eviction of Edouard Durand”write the resigning members in a press release, signed by eleven people Thursday evening.
The members of Ciivise (the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children) had requested on November 10 by letter to Secretary of State Charlotte Caubel “the maintenance of the Civil Society with Edouard Durand” at its head, they recall in their press release. Gold, “no response was given to us. It was through the press that we learned of the continuation of the commission on November 19”, regret the signatories. Among these, the psychiatrists Muriel Salmona and Karen Sadlier, the founders of victims’ associations Arnaud Gallais and Laurent Boyet and Eva Thomas, one of the first people to have publicly testified to the incest of which she was a victim ( in the Screen Files in 1986).
“We have the impression that we are trying to put a lid on the freedom of speech that the Civic has brought about”reacted Thursday evening to AFP Laurent Boyet. “We fear that this marks a weakening of the fight against incest, which is no longer at the heart of the Civic roadmap”, agrees Muriel Salmona. Appointed vice-president of the Ciivise on Monday, Caroline Rey-Salmon, pediatrician and legal expert, “opposed a key recommendation of the Ciivise: making reporting by doctors compulsory”she worries.