several individuals arrested in Pontarlier

A scene of great violence Thursday, January 6, in the evening, in Pontarlier (Doubs), behind the fire station. From police fired several dozen times on suspects. Fortunately, there were no injuries. Several people were arrested and taken into police custody. These criminals had just committed a car theft by carjacking in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

The criminals charge the police, the police open fire

The alert was given in Switzerland around 7 p.m., several hooded and armed men committed a car-jacking in Neuchâtel. Their car was then spotted by a patrol from Pontarlier. The police chased her, a short chase. Officers stopped the car for a check, but the driver accelerated, crashed into the police car and hit it head on.

The police then used their weapons and shot several dozen times at the suspected thieves, according to the departmental director of public security in Doubs, Yves Cellier. According to the first elements, the suspects would not have retaliated. Several people were eventually arrested and placed in police custody. Their car was seized, riddled with bullets.

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