Several hundred courageous took the first bath of the year in Calais

It is the unmissable New Year’s tradition on the Opal Coast! This Saturday January 1st in Calais, hundreds of people in disguise in Santa Claus, in clowns, or even in Vikings took their impetus to throw themselves into the sea, for the famous ritual of first bath of the year.

The sun was there! © Radio France
Lucie Rispal

From the most cautious to the most courageous, bathers took advantage of a beautiful sun on the Calais beach.

Jean, 81, came with his little girl.
Jean, 81, came with his little girl. © Radio France
Lucie Rispal

The first bath of the year is a story of tradition but also of family for Jean, 81 years old. He comes to bathe with his daughter and granddaughter, who have traveled from Nice. To be comfortable, the Calaisien has chosen to be well equipped: fur coat, sweater, mask, snorkel and palm. Her granddaughter Perrine made the trip for the atmosphere, but also to admire her grandfather’s costume: “Looks like a drug lord!“, she laughs. Despite the water at 9 degrees, the dive is good:”The cold stings a bit, but it’s funny!

Lucie Rispal

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