Several false vaccine passports will be “revoked”, assures Dubé

Plusieurs faux passeports vaccinaux seront « révoqués » au cours des prochains jours, assure le gouvernement Legault, qui dit avoir mis en place un dispositif pour le faire rapidement lorsque des preuves de malversation seront obtenues par les autorités, au cas par cas.

Publié à 15h35

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

Henri Ouellette-Vézina
La Presse

« Vous allez voir : dans les prochains jours, il y a des passeports qui vont être révoqués », a averti le ministre de la Santé, Christian Dubé, en marge d’une conférence de presse tenue jeudi à Montréal.

Il réagissait ainsi à une enquête de La Presse, qui rapportait plus tôt que les autorités ont épinglé des employés du réseau de la santé d’un peu partout au Québec qui, contre de l’argent, ont participé à la fabrication de milliers de passeports vaccinaux frauduleux. Ces personnes inscrivaient à la tonne des faux vaccins dans le registre de vaccination du gouvernement, le tout avec une facilité désarmante, a confié l’un des individus arrêtés.

« C’est criminel, ce qui est arrivé. Autant les gens qui ont émis des passeports qu’ils n’avaient pas le droit de faire que les gens qui ont acheté des passeports qu’ils n’avaient pas le droit d’avoir, c’est criminel. […] We will make sure that these people, we will take care of them with the UPAC,” promised Mr. Dubé, without however advancing on the nature of the charges that could be brought.

To the people who have unfortunately done this, it is very dangerous what you are doing. You allowed unvaccinated people to go to places reserved for vaccinated people.

Christian Dubé, Minister of Health

The elected caquiste also confirmed that Quebec was informed in October of potential fraud in the vaccine passport system. “We immediately informed the police authorities,” he said. “As of today, we will be able to revoke passports”, hammered Mr. Dubé again, specifying that “someone who has a false passport will light up red” in a business, directly on the application. mobile. “Besides, the federal government is asking us how to get this application, to be able to revoke a passport,” revealed Mr. Dubé.

150 cases under investigation

Public Security Minister Geneviève Guilbault told Radio-Canada radio Thursday morning that the revelations of The Press are “food for thought”. “What we read this morning is indeed food for thought,” she said. “It is certain that when we say that the system is mediocre… it is certain that we have always been quite humble about the fact that IT is a challenge to the government and to the Ministry of Health”, reacted the Minister.

“With the new Ministry of Cybersecurity and Digital, we are working very hard”, she assured, stressing that she had been informed that 150 investigation files are in progress relating to the falsification of vaccine passports, including nearly thirty for bribery or attempted bribery.

One thing is certain: vaccine passport fraud is “not a question of a fault in the system”, affirms Minister Dubé, but rather of “the malice of an employee”.

“I don’t think we’re talking about a problem in the system, but more of an internal control issue. Since we learned that, we have tightened the controls, but during that time, there are people who continued to do so. We made sure we had evidence against them,” he said, mentioning that there are “several ways” to identify fake vaccine passports.

With Vincent Larouche, The Press

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