About twenty police officers in uniform and in civilian clothes participated this Tuesday evening in Nîmes in the control of several establishments open to the public. The objective: to verify that the health pass was requested there and that customers had a valid pass. “Each week currently, we have between 100 to 150 establishments that are controlled in the department in the police zone and in the gendarmerie zone. specifies Iulia Suc, chief of staff of the prefect of Gard and sub-prefect in charge of security. It is important that managers and customers play along. It is a matter of health security. It is also a question of justice between those who respect the law and those who do not.”
It is normal that the minority which does not respect the rule is sanctioned.
Since August 2021, 31 establishments were the subject of a formal notice in the Gard and two that were closed temporarily for recurrence. The sub-prefect indicates that these controls will be reinforced as New Year’s Eve approaches.
– Sylvie Duchesne