several emergency services will close at night during the summer


Article written by

M. Martel, France 3 Regions, S. Lacombe – France 3

France Televisions

Emergency departments have to deal with a lack of personnel during the summer. Some services are already announcing that they will close their doors at night. How will care be provided?

50 patients a day are treated in the emergency room of Ancenis-Saint-Géréron, in Loire-Atlantique. During the summer, for lack of staff, the service will close every night from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. A difficult decision to accept for users. “It’s worrying. Not just for me but for everyone else, especially those with children“, says one of them.

During the night, patients in a vital emergency will be referred to the hospital in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) or Angers (Maine-et-Loire), more than 45 km away. Will they be taken care of in time? “There, we manage to close structures, therefore to deprive people of a public service. It means people who have chest pains who will perhaps hesitate to come, (…) and will say: “I will wait until tomorrow”. Tomorrow may be too late“, worries Dr. Mohamed Kadi, emergency doctor. Emergencies will also lower the curtain in Dole, in the Jura, from 8 p.m. in mid-July.

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