“Several dead” in a shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark, a 22-year-old suspect arrested

A shooting caused “several deaths” this Sunday afternoon in Copenhagen (Denmark). The attack happened in a shopping mall in the city. A suspect, a 22-year-old Dane, was arrested in the evening. “We do not yet know for sure how many are injured or dead, but it is very serious”said Copenhagen Mayor Sophie H. Andersen.

The Tour de France expresses “its compassion”

The Tour de France expressed this Sunday “his sympathy” at “all Danish people” following the shooting in Copenhagen, which occurred 48 hours after the opening time trial of its 2022 edition, held in the capital of Denmark. “The Tour is particularly shocked and saddened by the tragedy that has just struck Copenhagen”said the organizing company (ASO) at the start of the evening.

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“Its inhabitants had reserved for the riders one of the most fantastic welcomes in history, forging deep bonds with all the followers. The whole Tour caravan offers its most sincere condolences to the victims and their families”added ASO.

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