Seven years in prison required for rape in Paris against Moroccan star Saad Lamjarred

The 37-year-old singer is accused of raping and beating a woman in a hotel room in Paris in 2016. The verdict will be delivered on Friday.

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Seven years’ imprisonment and five years’ ban on French territory were required Thursday, February 23 before the Paris Assize Court against Saad Lamjarred. The 37-year-old Moroccan star singer is accused of raping and beating Laura P. in a Paris hotel room in 2016. The verdict will be given on Friday.

According to the version that the young woman had told in tears and trembling on the stand, Saad Lamjarred had suddenly become violent as they kissed, before raping and hitting her. The accused firmly denies any sexual penetration, and just admits having, for “reflex”, “brutally pushed the face” of Laura P. who would suddenly have it “claw” as they undressed.

Other charges in New York, Casablanca and Saint-Tropez

To determine the sentence, it is necessary “to know if Saad Lamjarred is a sexual predator, or someone who seizes the opportunities that arise”, then advanced the Advocate General, leaning more towards the second option. Laura P.’s advice had highlighted the “three different versions” of the evening given by Saad Lamjarred, “obviously a liar”according to Me Jean-Marc Descoubès.

The singer is targeted by extremely similar charges in New York, Casablanca and Saint-Tropez. This last case, for which he will be tried for rape before the assizes of the Var, dates back to 2018. At the hearing, Saad Lamjarred, same navy sweater and white shirt since the opening of the trial on Monday, constantly refused to answer questions. regarding these other charges.

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