seven schools or establishments were closed due to the presence of bedbugs, according to the ministry

The seven closed schools are located in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Pontet (Vaucluse), Louhans (Saône-et-Loire), Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône), Saint-Dié-des- Vosges (Vosges), Strasbourg and Haguenau (Bas-Rhin).



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Anti-bedbug products in a Parisian store.  Illustrative photo.  (MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP)

“Seven schools or establishments with 1,500 students were closed due to the presence of bedbugs” bed, said the Ministry of National Education on Friday October 6 to Agence Radio France. This figure is established thanks to feedback provided by the academies. The seven closed schools are located in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Pontet (Vaucluse), Louhans (Saône-et-Loire), Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône), Saint-Dié-des- Vosges (Vosges), Strasbourg and Haguenau (Bas-Rhin).

>> Bedbugs: France “infested”, 2024 Olympics “in danger”… How the fear of a spread is spreading in the foreign press

Bed bugs have also been reported at other educational facilities, without requiring a complete closure of the structure. The ministry mentions in particular: the Elisa Lemonnier high school in the 12th arrondissement of Paris; the Germaine Tillion high school in Montbéliard (Doubs) where a “Cleaning of the boarding school is planned for the All Saints’ Day holidays” ; “the boarding school of a structure which has welcomed students from the Jules Marouzeau college in Guéret (Creuse) since the start of the school year” or some “solutions were found internally to ensure accommodation for the 32 students concerned” ; a high school in La Ferté-Bernard (Sarthe) where a dormitory was closed and “20 girls relocated to another dormitory” and of “4 boarding rooms closed for three days in September in a high school in Lorient (Morbihan)” with “12 students concerned”.

Concerning the Elisa Lemonnier high school in Paris, a diagnosis carried out by a company in charge of detecting bedbugs found that around fifteen classrooms, offices, the CDI, a changing room and several other premises were infested, according to a letter from the principal obtained by Agence Radio France. These rooms were “caulked to prevent spread” pests and while waiting for the entire establishment to be treated “on Monday evening”. Faced with this situation, a teacher and the establishment’s FCPE indicate that some teachers are refusing, like on Thursday, to teach this Friday, but not all of the teachers.

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