seven people presented to an investigating judge after attacks on high school students

These seven people, including six minors, are suspected of being involved in four attacks on high school students.

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Seven people, including six minors, suspected of having participated in attacks last week in Dijon (Côte-d’Or), in the context of inter-district rivalry, were presented Thursday, February 10 to an investigating judge , reports France Bleu Bourgogne. They were arrested on Tuesday and taken into custody. They are suspected of being involved in four assaults in which three high school students were stabbed. A fourth was beaten up.

On the origin of the violence, the public prosecutor of Dijon, Olivier Caracotch, evokes “a video mocking a relative of one of the people involved.”

In three days last week, four high school students were victims of what looks like a settling of scores between young people from different neighborhoods. The first had been stabbed on Tuesday February 1 in front of the Hippolyte-Fontaine high school in Dijon. Two other students from this high school were also stabbed the next day on public transport. Two days later, a young boy was beaten up by several individuals in Chenôve. The scene was broadcast on social media.

The investigations made it possible to highlight the links between these attacks, thanks to the exploitation of the social networks and the mobile phones of the defendants, sometimes themselves victims of certain facts.

Most suspects deny or minimize their involvement in the violence. The prosecution requested a placement under judicial supervision.

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