The disparities are clear between sectors. Thus, 85% of industrial companies feel affected, including 22% “very” affected. The impact is less strong for service companies, according to a survey published Friday.
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Seven out of ten business leaders expect to be affected by the increase in electricity prices that came into force this month, according to an OpinionWay survey for CCI France published Friday March 1. 41% say they are “strongly” affected by these rising prices. According to this study, 12% of companies are even considering an impact “Very important” of this increase, which varies from one situation to another but which the government has limited to 10%.
The disparities are clear between sectors. Thus, 85% of industrial companies feel affected, including 22% “very” affected. The impact is less strong for service companies: 66% say they are affected, including 7% very significantly. 82% of companies with 50 employees or more anticipate consequences on their activity, compared to 67% of companies with 1 to 2 employees and 74% of companies with 3 to 49 employees.
However, 55% of companies have no energy savings objective in the coming months; 28% have already implemented an energy saving plan, and only 16% of companies have such projects.
The study was carried out by telephone with a sample of 1 012 managers of companies with at least one employee, from 8 to 16 FEBRUARY.